A Brief Outline to Beating an Overflowing Inbox

Professionals working in project management roles are often victims of excessive emailing. No matter how much time you put into it, getting that overflowing inbox under control is an exhausting challenge. Moreover, battling through emails is rarely an efficient way to proceed in the field.

What Is Game Localization Quality Assurance and Why Does It Matter?

Game localization is a multi-step process which involves much more than just translating a game’s textual content. In this article, we will focus on one of the final steps of the localization process: Localization Quality Assurance (LQA), which involves a team of native speakers reviewing the game to ensure that it is suitable for the local market.

Infographics – A Tool for Technical Communication­

By definition, visual communication is the practice of graphically representing information to efficiently and effectively create or convey meaning. Technical communicators can enhance the usability and readability of their technical documents by utilizing visual elements. 

Portuguese Translation Can Save Your Game Sales

Portuguese is one of the world’s most spoken languages, so investing in a Portuguese translation of your video game is a must. Countries like Brazil and Portugal offer plentiful opportunities when it comes to video games sales. In this article, we take a closer look at the Portuguese-speaking video games market, why Portuguese translation is important, and some potential pitfalls to watch out for.

​A Guide to Understanding Digital Accessibility and What It Means for Your Website

Digital accessibility is about ensuring that all of the people that visit your website, including those with disabilities, can navigate your content without barriers and find the information they need. Read on to find out more about the basic principles of digital accessibility.

The TCLoc master experience through the eyes of an English teacher: technical communication and localization at the service of teaching

Ashley is an experienced English teacher who decided to complement her skills with the TCLOC master’s degree. Read this interview to know