From April 10th until April 13th, current TCLoc students had the opportunity to get together on campus in Strasbourg. Students from the USA, Denmark, Germany, Qatar, Italy managed to beat the unusually frigid temperatures to find their way to campus. Besides finally meeting in person the people they’ve been collaborating with on a daily basis, students were thrilled to meet a few of their instructors and attend lectures.

On Wednesday morning, students go to meet members of the TEKOM team: Dr.Michael Fritz, Mr. Raymond Culp, Mrs. Monika Engleke and Mrs. Christine Keller. In the afternoon they moved on to listen to prof. Uta Seewald-Heeg Phd. of Hochschule Anhalt delve into the intricacies of software localization.

On Thursday afternoon, Kirk St. Amant of Louisiana Tech University gave his first lecture about the psychology of design.

Kirk's lecture
When designing products, taking biology and psychology into account is paramount

Friday was terminology day, with two lectures by Mark Childress from SAP and François Massion from DOG Gmbh. 

Saturday was a bit of a sweet sorrow, with the time of departure drawing nearer students had the chance to attend yet another fascinating lecture by Kirk St. Amant.

Many students regretted that the on-campus meeting didn’t last longer or that there were only two. For them, meeting their fellow students in person had been a time of connexion and exchange about their experiences, their projects and their dreams. It really was a moment that created a sense of belonging for all the students.

Even though TCLoc is distance-learning program, we know that nothing can replace actual human interaction.


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