Instructional Videos for Technical Communicators
Technical communicators, among other professionals, are now required to know how to communicate not only through written text but also through video. So, it’s essential for us to know how to create instructional videos. This blog post will provide you with all the basic guidelines to create a video from scratch as a technical communicator.
The Importance of Instructional Videos Today
With the continuous rise of video consumption on social media, technical communicators should not underestimate the power and relevance of this means of communication.
With its accessible and convenient format, video is a smart choice as a means of communication.
Today, the barriers to entry for creating video content are quite low since smartphones are now equipped with recording capabilities. By following some simple steps, you will be able to create your own instructional videos in no time.
1. Understand your Audience
One of the first steps when creating a video is understanding your audience. You must identify who your target viewers are and what they want to learn from your instructional video. This will help you choose a topic that resonates with them. There are multiple techniques for developing an audience analysis. One of them is the Buyer Persona technique.
2. Plan your Instructional Video
Once you have your target audience set, you can move on to writing a script. This is essential for structuring the content of your video.
To begin, you will need some video recording equipment, including a camera, lights, a microphone, an external audio recorder (recording audio on camera will also work), and a slate.
The final step in preparing to record your instructional video is to create a checklist of all necessary items for the shoot.
3. Shoot your Instructional Video
The first thing to consider when shooting your video is lighting. There are multiple lighting techniques for different looks, but an easy one to begin with is the three-point lighting technique.
After setting up your lights, you have to set up your camera and shot composition. First, define your aspect ratio and the definition of your video (i.e., 1080p (FullHD) or 4K). After that, set your frame rate and shutter speed. Your shutter speed should be double your frame rate (i.e., 30 frames per second and 1/60 shutter speed). For your image composition, you should use the rule of thirds. Finally, for sound, try to place the microphone as close as possible to your mouth.
4. Edit your Instructional Video
There are many editing software tools that will allow you to edit your instructional video. When editing your video, avoid adding distracting transitions, and make sure to add captions and subtitles to localize and make your instructional video more accessible.
5. Publish and Promote your Instructional Video
Now, you are ready to upload your video lesson to a video-sharing platform. During this stage, it is important to optimize your video to reach as many people as possible. You can also promote your instructional video on social media and measure its success with data analytics.
That’s a Wrap!
Video can be a powerful instructional tool for technical communicators. Understanding your audience and following some technical rules will allow you to create your own videos for learning in no time.
If you found this post helpful, please share your own instructional videos and follow us on social media!