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TCLoc admission requirements

Requirements for Applicants

To apply for the TCLoc master’s degree or certificates, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • A high level in English
  • Good computer literacy skills
  • A keen interest in the program’s contents
  • A strong work ethic and motivation 

Selection is based on academic and professional merit as well as motivation and potential for growth in TCLoc-related domains.

In order to qualify for admission, you must provide:

  •  A degree equivalent to four years of higher education (corresponding to 240 ECTS credits in the European system). If you don’t have the required academic degree, a VAPP application is required (detailed below). 
  • A resume or CV
  • A cover letter

Please note that your level of English will be evaluated during the application process. No language certification is required. However, if you have such a certificate then you should upload it with your application file.

“After more than a year as a technical communicator, I can say that there are surprisingly few aspects of TCLoc that I do not need on a daily basis.”

Anonymous, TCLoc Graduate 2018


“After more than a year as a technical communicator, I can say that there are surprisingly few aspects of TCLoc that I do not need on a daily basis.”

Anonymous, TCLoc Graduate 2018

How to Validate Your Knowledge Without an Academic Degree

Students lacking the degree or the number of credits required for enrollment in the TCLoc master’s degree or certificates can apply for VAPP (Validation of Acquired Professional and Personal Experience or Validation des Acquis Professionnels et Personnels in French).

What is VAPP?

academic jury

VAPP is a way for professionals who lack the required amount of university accreditation to be able to enroll in a university program. It is a legal procedure* you start when you send your application file. This file is sent to an academic jury that decides whether the applicant’s profile qualifies for the program. It is an opportunity for you to highlight and prove your significant professional and educational experiences.

*(cf. Decree No. 2013-756 of 19 August 2013 )

Who can Apply for VAPP?

You should consider applying for VAPP if you have studied at a university or other training institutions, but have not acquired sufficient university accreditation, or if you have acquired significant professional or educational experience (such as online courses) in TCLoc-related fields.

How to Apply for VAPP?

When completing the TCLoc application form, please indicate that you would like to apply for VAPP. We will then send you the VAPP application form and guide you through the validation process.

For the VAPP application file, you will need to demonstrate that you have acquired particular expertise in TCLoc-related domains due to professional and personal experience. You must describe and justify the specific areas of knowledge and skills that you believe qualify you to register for the TCLoc master’s degree or certificates.

Once you have completed the VAPP application form, please attach all supporting documents related to your professional and personal experience.

Your application will be examined in a timely manner by an academic jury.

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