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Admission to the TCLoc master’s degree program is based on a candidate’s academic and professional merit as well as their motivation and potential for growth in TCLoc-related domains.

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In order to qualify for admission, candidates must demonstrate their previous academic and professional experience, fluency in English, computer literacy skills, and motivation to successfully complete the TCLoc master’s degree.

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The TCLoc application process starts with the submission of the online application form. Then, an academic jury will decide which applications to shortlist. The remaining candidates will be invited for a video interview before their application is finally accepted.

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The application process is conducted entirely online via the online application form where you provide your personal and academic information and upload the required documents. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact us.

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

Admissions are open throughout the year. Next intake: January 2025.