TCLoc mentor Kaori Myatt is the Managing Director of Word Connection SARL, a business that specializes in Japanese translation and localization. She also acts as a consultant for many social media businesses and large tech corporations, and is currently a member of the Japan Translation Federation (JTF) board. As a TCLoc mentor she shares her knowledge and experience with current students regarding the translation industry.

Today, in an interview, Kaori tells us about the importance of her role as a mentor for the TCLoc program.

What is your connection to the TCLoc Program?

My name is Kaori Myatt, managing director of Word Connection. I have been a freelance translator for a long time, over 25 years. Then finally, I decided to create a translation agency which helps translate us to grow. Also, I wanted to offer a more variety of translation.

A few years ago, I have met the director of TCLoc at this Tekom conference and we have exchanged several conversations she invited me to become a mentor. Then here we are.

What do your responsibilities include as a mentor?

As a mentor, I can answer the questions that a student may have. If they are lost in like some specific topics, especially for translation, because I specialized in translation. Also, we do a dissertation defense. The students have a final dissertation interview, and we have to present to help the students.

What benefits are there to be a TCLoc mentor?

Well I like teaching in general especially in translation. I never liked teaching English or Japanese, but translation is my passion and what I like and what I do every day. And I like to teach translation theory and what should be done to make better translation. So for me helping TCLoc means to grow myself. Also, grow other people.

What advice would you give to future students?

I think the long distance or online courses are quite challenging because you don’t see people. So I recommend students to try to find an occasion to meet in-person as much as possible. Connecting with people is quite important.

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  1. Kayo Hosonuma | Dec 21, 2023 17:32

    I would like to apply for your TCLoc program.

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